Faction Creation

This post is to display the proper procedures and rules for creating a faction.

Faction Creation Overview: All factions must be well thought out, and lore appropriate for the server’s theme and timeline, (Bully lore and/or accurate to the Northeastern US in 2006) any faction that does not comply with the time and lore aspects will be denied and/or deleted.
All new factions are required to go through an ‘Unofficial’ Phase before official status with assets. This phase will be used to monitor the faction leader and members abilities as well as to determine the level of effort imputed. Factions are required to have a minimum of 3 founding members (1-2 for Companies and Corporations)
Faction leaders and members are required to act respectful OOC and follow the server and faction rules. Being in a faction does NOT grant you the ability to rulebreak or abuse.

Legal Factions: Legal Faction creation will follow the same standard as mentioned above, Unofficial then Official. A thread with a well thought out description along with active RP developments is required for all Unofficial Legal Factions. Custom Created Legal Factions cannot be Law enforcement or government entities, without prior approval from management. Any Legal entity based on IRL must have been created before 2006, or must be modified in a way to restrict their level of sophistication and operation to that of an entity in 2006.

Illegal Factions: Illegal Faction creation will follow the same standard as mentioned above, Unofficial then Official. A thread with a well thought out description along with active RP developments is required for all Unofficial and Official Illegal factions. All Illegal Factions based on IRL must be relevant to 2006, or must be modified in a way to restrict their level of sophistication and operation to that of an illegal entity in 2006. All Illegal Factions are required to portray an entity fitting with the lore of the server. LA Style Street Gangs are not Allowed.

Student Cliques: The lore of Bullworth allows us the opportunity to include a new type of entity into the server, Student Cliques are made up of solely academy students with similar goals, interests, and/or social status and class. Cliques are not technically factions, as they don’t have the resources or the scope of a faction entity. Student cliques are preset groups for the most part, however, new cliques can be added as long as the criteria is met and permission is acquired.

Companies and Corporations: Companies and Corporations follow a similar, but less stringent process for approval than a faction, as long as their sole purpose is to boost the RP and Economy of the server. All Companies and Corporations are required to submit a thread that details their company as well as RP of some of their operations. However, the approval process for assets is streamlined for well thought out and executed businesses.