Faction Management and Chain of Command

This topic is to define and display the Chain of command for Faction Management.

Head of Faction Management (HoFM): The top level of the Faction Management Chain of command, Their position is to resolve disputes, update, inform, guide, and discipline the Illegal, Legal, and Cliques teams.

Legal Faction Manager (LFM): The position in charge of overseeing the Legal Factions (Any Government Faction, Any Above Board business/corporation operation, or any other entity that operates on a solely legal basis). They work to do the direct rule enforcement, education, and request/report resolution for the aforementioned entities. Reports to HoFM

Illegal Faction Manager (iFM): The position in charge of overseeing the Illegal Factions, (Crime Families, Drug and weapon manufacturing operations, or any other entity that engages in Illicit and/or Illegal operations). They work to do the direct rule enforcement, education, and request/report resolution for the aforementioned entities. Reports to HoFM

Cliques Manager (CsM): The position in charge of overseeing the student cliques, (Jocks, Greasers, Preppies, Nerds, or any other organized entity made of students). They work to do the direct rule enforcement, education, and request/report resolution for the aforementioned entities. Reports to HoFM