How to post a complaint

Try to resolve the situation yourself before complaining

Having shown you have tried to do everything in your power and granted the other party/parties ample opportunity to rectify the situation will strengthen your complaint.

Use tags and be descriptive to indicate what your complaint is about.

To facilitate assignment to the right party.

Stay polite and on topic

Ranting, insults, or mockery usually do not appeal to the party you are trying to change. Instead they often create resistance.

Succinct and relevant

Going on tangents, including irrelevant details or events, or writing lengthy posts, can be demotivating for staff to comb through.

Complaints about rule-breaking

There is a template available, when creating a new topic click the :gear: wheel in the editor, and select Insert template, search for the Rule-break complaint template and click the clipboard icon to import it.

If you are complaining about a person, multiple persons, clique, group or faction, include at least the following details:

  • Type of entity you are complaining about, for example: Player, Crew member, Faction, Clique, Company
  • What exact rules were broken
  • When the incident occurred
  • The names of the people involved
  • A clear description of the situation and the circumstances leading up to it
  • If you have tried to resolve the situation with the involved people yourself
    • How that turned out
  • Screenshots, videos, logs
  • Type of resolution you prefer

Other type of complaints

It is possible to complain about other things than rule breaking. Be mindful we also have a Suggestions category.